
Architects of the Deep: Battlemaps

Created by Dren Productions Games

Huge collection of digital battlemaps to use for all your fantasy TTRPGs. All for only $5!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We'll Make a Deal With You
about 1 year ago – Sun, Mar 05, 2023 at 08:52:46 AM

Okay guys, 

So, since we've begun this, we've tried bringing things to you that are cheap, and fun and will help you out with doing your RPGs. Apparently, for some of you, at least, we screwed up on this one. 

We weren't lying when we said that these maps we had on this, we've used in our own games (this is true of all our products). And our players enjoyed them. We never thought that the reaction to the maps would be so negative. But now we know that a bunch of you don't like that, and we're not going to make that mistake again. 

If you look at our previous campaigns here, we have a track record of delivering things to our backers that they enjoy. We do take pride in the things that we put out there. 

We've gotten a bunch of positive comments about the maps, but almost as many negative. To those of you who didn't enjoy them, we truly apologize. But we want the opportunity to make it up to you. 

As you saw the other day, we do have a new campaign coming (in just 2 days). These adventures are made by us. And we don't think you'll be disappointed in them at all. As a matter of fact, if you take a look at this post from our Substack, you can see what one of these adventures will look like. 

You can see that this is written by us, and the map used here is hand drawn. Yes, we do use Dungeon Scrawl to do some of our Dungeon Maps, and we're not going to apologize for that, and on the adventure for Zalthar, it is a Dungeon Scrawl map. But we use it, as a part of our adventure, which we created. 

Anyway, here's the deal. We want to regain your trust here. So, we have a two-fold deal for you. Any of you who backed this campaign, and jump on to back the new campaign: 

1. We will give you an additional adventure, no matter which pledge level you choose, and...

2. If you feel like we still haven't lived up to your expectations, we'll refund your pledge. 

Now this isn't an invitation to jump down our throats. We are trying to extend an olive branch here. If you do not wish to take it, then don't, and no hard feelings. But please, we don't need the hate mail and comments we've been receiving over this. 

We are going to throw the link here once more for the new campaign. What you feel like doing with it is up to you.

Thanks all!


New Adventures Coming!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 04:39:26 AM

We wanted to announce that we have Three New One-Shot Adventures coming soon for your next 5e game night!

Each of these one-shots is meant for a single 3-4 hour session, and is guaranteed to be fun for all. You can get each of these adventures separately for only $5 each, or you can get them all for even less! How can you go wrong with that?

These adventures include everything you need to play, including maps, NPCs, and even new creatures to contend with.

This is going to be another digital-only campaign we will be running for 1 week only! And we will deliver the goods to you as soon as the pledge manager is filled out!

So, jump on over and check it out, and click that "Notify Me" button to get informed the moment we go live!

Thanks all!


Backerkit is Live!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Feb 08, 2023 at 10:44:41 AM

Okay everyone! As promised. It's been 2 weeks and we just launched Backerkit pledge manager. Just get in there and fill it out. 

Here is what's going to happen. At the end of each day we are going to close out  the pledges for everyone who has filled out the pledge manager, and release the rewards. An email will come to you through Backerkit giving you all of your awesome stuff! 

The only exception to this will be the main Map Pack itself. We will be sending those out through Kickstarter with a link to the Google Drive. Even breaking up the map packs, the files were too big for Backerkit to handle. So look for a message from us on Kickstarter later this evening after we repack the files for you. All other downloads will come through the Backerkit link. 

Anyway, head on over and fill out the pledge manager ASAP so you can get your rewards!

Thanks all!


48 Hours Left!
over 1 year ago – Sun, Jan 22, 2023 at 03:29:53 AM

We're entering the final hours of the campaign now. And as we're passing the $5k mark now, we wanted to throw you a few more maps. So, we're going to now add an additional 30 maps on top of our initial map pack! That's a bunch more for you to play with and explore. 

Thanks all for making this campaign such a success. We truly appreciate every one of you! 

We have another campaign to take a gander at. This one is called Preposterous Potions and it doesn't have long left!

Check out this book over over 100 newly crafted tonics for your favorite TTRPG. These are sure to throw some curveballs to your players (and probably give you some ideas for your campaigns). 

It's well worth checking out, and like our campaign, there's only a limited time remaining, so head on over now!

Then take a look at Mechanical Monsters. It's another cool book with a bunch of new monsters and automatons for 5e!

Within these pages, you'll find over 140 awesome adversaries and gear-driven goliaths, from low-level mecha-minions like walking eye robots, rust-risen undead, and ferrofluid oozes to titanic annihilator robots, magnetoclusters, heavy metal elementals, and clockwork leviathans! You'll find creatures from across the spectrum of technological advancement, from primitive ironrot lichen to sorcerous soulbound shells, gear-punk steamwerks golems and sinister cranial dissectibots, to advanced android assassins and nanite storms. Mechanical creatures also are not limited to the mortal realms of the Material Plane, as you'll find technocurious fey like the asteray and epokasite fixer, fiends like the composite alorbidaemon and endbringer devil, and living spirit-machines like the tsukumogami and more than half a dozen inevitables.

Got a little more time on this one, but why wait? Head on over and check this one out now too!

Thanks all!


Unlocking More Maps!!!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 11:48:52 AM

That's right. We've been plugging right along. So, instead of 10 bonus maps, we're going to now add 20! That's more maps for all! It's exactly what we want, right? 

We only have a few days to go! Let's keep it up. 

Thank you all so much for the support so far! We really appreciate each and every one of you!!!

We have a cool suggested campaign for you, and it's one that's like our campaign, where you can get in for only a few bucks!

A Very First Heistoffers a job as lucrative as dangerous: procure a certain item from an underground auction. You receive a payment upfront, but as it also serves to buy the object, would you really just buy it?

The adventure details the different approaches in a structured way, so that game masters (GMs) are not forced to improvise something completely new and players have the options to handle which way they prefer. So, it's very beginning friendly. 

Head on over and check it out. How can you go wrong with it?

And keeping on that theme, we also have a cool one for you here. Another cheap campaign to get in on with some really helpful materials.

Adaptable Encounters for 5E & OSR offers Dungeon Masters material  to enrich their current campaigns by focusing on unique situations that add variety and originality to the game.

Encounters are mostly system agnostic, except when combat arises, but now we have added, not only 5e Statblocks but also old school monster statistics, compatible with pretty much any old school edition of the World's Greatest Role Playing Game up to its 2nd edition; or any OSR system; with little to none extra work.

Another one you should definitely head on over and check out!

Thanks all!